Arts and Social Engagement

Event | Nov 16 | Theater of Social Action: Student Incubator on Mass Incarceration

Join us for this special student incubator dedicated to a dialogue with the student community on issues of mass incarceration. Students will engage and elect topics of research that will be explored in the Theater of Social Action course, which will begin Spring 2016 and include the policies that create “carceral communities”; the “school-to-prison pipeline”; the policing and unfair sentencing of minorities; the economics of the prison system; the structural violence of racism and the cycle of poverty; and the effects of mass incarceration especially on families.langcafe

The incubator is hosted by Eugene Lang College and MAPP International productions, and will be facilitated by Cecilia Rubino, Brian Lewis, and Rasu Jilani. This course fulfills the civic engagement/social justice requirement for Theater majors.


 Monday, Nov 16, 7:30pm – 9pm

@ The Lang Cafe

65 West 11th Street, NY, NY

Source: The New School Events. Web. 12 Nov 2015.

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