Messages to the Community

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update: Public Programs and Events

As we continue to monitor the latest developments related to the novel coronavirus, we are writing to share an update about our public programs and events planned for the coming weeks.

University public programs and events on our New York campus from Saturday, March 14 through Sunday, April 12 are cancelled or postponed. Events that are converted to online platforms will take place.

While it is disappointing to suspend on-site programs that are an important part of our university’s culture, this decision was made in the best interests of community health and is consistent with prevailing guidance about limiting large gatherings. We are confident that guest speakers and other program partners will understand the unique circumstances; some might be relieved to not have to travel during this period or be concerned that attendance at their programs would be limited. 

We encourage event organizers to consider other ways content might be delivered during this time period, for example, through video or Zoom. Our Public Programs team can help you think about a range of options and will reach out to share guidance on other questions related to your events. University event planners can get started by reviewing the Public Programs Toolkit

Requests for exemptions to this policy will be reviewed for unique circumstances that might suggest an exception is warranted. To have your request considered, please email

We are proud to be a community that is ready for any challenge, because of the people who choose to learn, teach, and work here. We look forward to resuming this vital aspect of our campus and culture in the near future. 

Take The Next Step

Submit your application


To apply to any of our Bachelor's programs (Except the Bachelor's Program for Adult Transfer Students) complete and submit the Common App online.

Graduates and Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Master's, Doctural, Professional Studies Diploma, Graduates Certificate, or Associate's programs, or to apply to the Bachelor's Program for Adult and Transfer Students, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
