Messages to the Community

Police Action at the University Center

A Message from Dr. Donna E. Shalala, Interim President

Beginning yesterday, New School student protesters have been blocking the entrance to Kerrey Hall, which houses 600 of their fellow students, to force the university to agree to divest from companies in our endowment linked to Israel. 

After many hours of negotiation and pleading to allow their fellow students to enter their residence hall, the protesters would not budge.

We have been very patient, including allowing an encampment in the University Center (UC) so long as students, faculty, and staff had access to their classrooms, offices, library, and cafeteria. 

Two weeks ago, we reached an agreement with the students—which was agreed to by all of the protesters by vote—to move their demonstration to the UC Event Cafe space in exchange for a meeting with the Executive Vice President for Business and Operations followed by representatives of the Board of Trustees Investment Committee to make their case for divestment. Within 24 hours, the students violated that agreement, once again setting up tents in the lobby. 

The university tried another time to reach a resolution. We were close to an agreement, but instead, the protesters escalated the situation, forcibly entering and setting up a second encampment in the Parsons 2 West 13th Street lobby. 

Yesterday, for the third time, we offered a meeting with representatives of the Investment Committee and the students said no—even though we provided a confirmed date this month for the Investment Committee to consider a vote on disinvestment. 

We have been very tolerant of the students’ right to free speech as long as they did not interfere with our educational mission. Despite entreaties by the Dean of Students, members of the faculty, and student leaders, the protesters have refused to permit entry, which left the university no choice but to protect the rights of our students to access their residence hall, classrooms, library, and cafeteria.

I deeply regret having to do this, but I have asked the New York Police Department to clear the UC, Kerrey Hall, and 2 West 13th Street where the students have been demonstrating. The police issued a warning to the protesters and allowed anyone who wanted to leave to do so. Many of the protesters chose to stay. It is a sad day for all of us who are part of this university community and who believe in free speech, which we have pledged to protect and will continue to protect.

As offensive as the protesters’ language and posters are to many of us, my decision is about their conduct, not speech. It is also about safety as well as the protesters’ irresponsible conduct.

The New School is committed to freedom of expression, including the right to demonstrate peacefully. However, the physical safety of our students, faculty, and staff cannot be endangered. When that happens, we will take action and hold accountable those who don’t comply with our Code of Conduct and policies.

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