Messages to the Community

Announcing the Members of the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility

A Message from Dr. Donna E. Shalala, Interim President

As I shared last week, The New School is reactivating and reconstituting the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) to ensure a community process is in place for dialogue around the university’s investment principles. I am writing today to provide more information about the ACIR and the next steps in this process.

The ACIR was formed in 2009. Its purpose is to provide advice and recommendations to the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees on ethical and social issues that arise in the management of the investments in the university’s endowment. We are re-establishing the committee at the request of the University Faculty Senate because it is an important measure, consistent with our shared governance practices, that will provide an opportunity to connect our university community in a timely conversation around socially responsible investing. 

To ensure a diversity of perspectives that reflects our academic community, the ACIR will again include students, faculty, and staff members selected by the university’s Student, Faculty, and Staff Senates.  

The committee members include:

Committee Chair
Teresa Ghilarducci, Bernard. L. and Irene Schwartz Professor of Economics, and Director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA) 

Committee Members

Leonardo Ruales, MS Political Economy
Paula M. Ante Wright, BA/BFA Architecture and Politics

Rhea Alexander, Assistant Professor of Strategic Design and Management
Jen van der Meer, Assistant Professor of Strategic Design and Management

Yasmine Davis, Manager of Restricted Funds Budgeting
Rafael Muñoz, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives 

Christopher Castano

The university is grateful for the partnership of our students, faculty, and staff in the shared governance processes that support our community. I am confident that the ACIR will approach their work with a commitment to considering broad perspectives and upholding the highest standards of integrity. 

For information on the previous work and past reports from the ACIR, please click here.

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