Messages to the Community

A Message to the University Community on Today’s Update from the ACIR

A Message from Linda E. Rappaport, Chair, Board of Trustees; and Steven Bloom, Trustee and Investment Committee Chair

The May 20 statement of agreement announced that the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees would vote on whether or not to completely divest in companies identified by the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) on June 14.

In their own note shared earlier today, the ACIR explained that it needs further time to complete its work with the aim of having a strong proposal for the Investment Committee to carefully consider.

‌The ACIR’s proposals—which we understand are intended to reflect the views of students, faculty and staff—will be thoroughly considered by the Investment Committee and are prerequisites for our consideration of these important issues. We agree with the ACIR that these are complex issues and in accord with the ACIR’s thinking, we will defer our consideration of the issues concerning the endowment until we receive the ACIR’s full presentation.

‌We appreciate the hard work and careful thought that the ACIR is putting into these efforts.

Linda E. Rappaport
Chair, The New School Board of Trustees

Steven Bloom
Trustee and Investment Committee Chair

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