Messages to the Community

Reminder of University Codes, Policies, and Guidelines for Conduct

A Message from Donna E. Shalala, Interim President

Earlier today, the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) let our community know that it is making progress in developing proposals to present to the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. They also informed the community that their work would take longer than originally planned and the proposals are likely to be made in September. 

The ACIR has asked the Investment Committee to delay consideration of any changes to the endowment until their proposal is completed, and I am writing to gently remind our students of the university’s codes, policies, and guidelines for acceptable behavior, which each of you is expected to know and follow.

These are difficult and complicated times for our community, and we want our students to feel supported and heard. At the same time, we must all acknowledge that disrupting university operations is not the answer. The university’s policies do not permit conduct that interferes unreasonably with the activities of other persons, such as encampments and other activities that impede movement in a university location or disrupt teaching, learning and other university operations. In addition, the university prohibits bullying, doxxing, intimidation, hate speech, and any forms of discrimination or harassment directed at any member of our community. 

While our commitment to free speech is unwavering, this email serves as notification that those who violate our codes of conduct or guidance will be subject to university policies, which may include immediate suspension from the university. 

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