A Message From President McBride
As winter break gets underway, I want to thank our community and acknowledge your resilience over the last few months. My heartfelt appreciation goes out to our staff and faculty, as well as to our students and their families, all of whose voices have and will continue to shape a critical next chapter for The New School.
I want to take this moment to recognize the importance of the tentative contract agreement that has been reached between the university and our part-time faculty colleagues. Both sides worked hard to bridge significant differences and bargain in good faith to reach an agreement.
Let me also recognize the strike and the disruption and uncertainty it introduced into our community. This hasn’t been easy for anyone. And passions have, understandably, run high during this process.
I trust winter break will provide a period of rest, restoration, and reflection for everyone, and a chance to think more about how we want to show up in the new year and the important, future-focused work ahead for us as a New School community. And as we return to campus next year to begin the work together of thinking bravely about the future of our university, we have the opportunity to build on the concerns, issues, and ideas that have been raised across our community and to think about how we most effectively move The New School forward.
I know that, as part of this work, there is a great deal of healing and trust-building that is going to have to happen – and a lot of active listening that needs to occur – to move us ahead. I am deeply committed to advancing this essential work with you in the New Year.
With respect and great appreciation for your ongoing commitment to The New School, and my best wishes for the holiday season and the New Year.