Messages to the Community

Fourth Communication to The New School from the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility

A Message from the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility

We are sharing the first report from the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR), reconstituted in May of this year. This report provides an update on our ongoing work, which you can read about on the ACIR website

We are engaged in ongoing dialogue with the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. This process reflects careful consideration, demonstrating our commitment to responsible, shared decision-making. We understand that this will take time for further discussion and consideration. 

Report Contents: The report presents detailed findings on the divestment motions, including historical context for past decisions, recent events leading up to last spring’s votes, and the moral case for the proposed divestment. While the Investment Committee holds fiduciary responsibility for managing the endowment and our role is advisory, we offer considerations for conveying the community’s calls for action. Additionally, the report outlines the criteria and analysis for each company reviewed by the ACIR.

Community Meetings: We are meeting with the university’s governing bodies to discuss the findings in the report and explore potential next steps for further consideration. We also invite the broader community to participate in open meetings over the next two weeks to ask questions and voice your opinions on this completed report:

  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm via Zoom
  • Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 4:00 pm via Zoom

We want to hear from you and value your input. Contact the ACIR at

Thank you for your attention and patience as we continue our work.

Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility

Jen van der Meer, Co-Chair and Faculty Senate Representative
Yasmine Davis, Co-Chair and Staff Senate Representative
Rhea Alexander, Faculty Senate Representative
Paula Ante Wright, Student Senate Representative
Rafael Muñoz, Staff Senate Representative
Leo Ruales, Student Senate Representative
Christopher Castano, Board of Trustees Representative

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