Messages to the Community

Our Process for Reviewing the ACIR Fall 2024 Report

A Message from Linda E. Rappaport, Chair, Board of Trustees; and ‌Steven H. Bloom, Chair, Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees

To The New School Community,

‌Last week, the Board of Trustees and its Investment Committee received the Fall 2024 Report of the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) and its recommendations regarding the endowment’s divestment of investments in military industry companies. Given the substantial interest in this matter among community members, we are writing to update you on the process we plan to follow in reviewing and responding to the recommendations.

The Board of Trustees is committed to conducting a thorough and thoughtful review of the report and issues surrounding divestmentAs part of that review, the Investment Committee met with members of the ACIR yesterday to hear and discuss its recommendations. The robust dialogue covered many aspects of this critical topic in depth.

The Investment Committee will now undertake a full review of the ACIR’s report and other relevant information. Following its review and internal discussions, the Investment Committee will submit its recommendations and supporting rationale concerning the report’s proposals to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, which will then make a comprehensive presentation to the full Board of Trustees. The full Board will then take the presentation and the ACIR recommendations under consideration. We look forward to sharing the results of this process with the university community when this work is completed.

In closing, we want to thank the ACIR members for their efforts and the role they are playing in moving the consideration of this important topic forward.

Thank you,
Linda and Steve

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