Welcoming Our New University Ombuds, Saveena Dhall
A Message from Jennifer E. Hobbs, Senior Vice President, University Secretary, and Chief of Staff to the President
It is my pleasure to welcome Saveena Dhall as the new University Ombuds. She has already begun meeting people on campus and looks forward to being fully active as the spring semester begins.
As University Ombuds, Saveena will serve as an independent, confidential, neutral resource for students, faculty, and staff, who have concerns about their academic or work environment. She will act as a source of information and referral, and she can provide a space for listening and assistance for a wide variety of issues and situations. Saveena will follow the International Ombuds Association Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
Saveena has nearly 30 years of experience working in higher education, K-12 schools, and at social impact organizations. She has extensive experience in comprehensive student life, academic support, mental wellness programs, conflict resolution, and bias prevention; and she has designed and led cultural competency training and educational programs. For the past three years, Saveena has been leading her own consulting practice, providing expert counsel to private and public university leaders, independent schools, and community organizations on capacity building, equity and belonging, student success, employee engagement, and crisis management. As Associate Dean, she was the chief Student Life Officer at the Yale School of Nursing, overseeing the division of student affairs responsible for academic services, student life and belonging, the registrar, admissions, financial aid, and career planning. Prior to that role, Saveena served as the Dean and Director of the Asian American Cultural Center at Yale University.
Saveena completed her Master’s of Education at Harvard University, specializing in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy in Higher Education, and earned a Bachelor’s of Arts from Connecticut College.
I am grateful to the members of the search committee: Lorenley Baez, Elizabeth K. Brasher, Simone Douglas, and Ilana Levitt; and I appreciate colleagues from the university’s Faculty and Staff Senates and several university offices who met with candidates.
In Saveena, we have an experienced and passionate leader joining our university and serving in this important role. You can reach out to Saveena at ombuds@newschool.edu. Please join me in welcoming her to our New School community!