Messages to the Community

The New School Again Calls on the Trump Administration to Protect DACA

As the White House prepares to announce its decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, I want to take a moment during this holiday weekend to reinforce where we stand.

In November, The New School joined with a coalition of more than 600 colleges and universities around the nation to express our support for continuing DACA. DACA is providing a vital opportunity for hundreds of thousands of young people across the United States to contribute in a meaningful way to our country, and we again urge the Trump administration to ensure that it continues.

Regardless of the administration’s decision, I want to be very clear that The New School will remain unwavering in its commitment to provide an open, safe, and inclusive academic environment. Undocumented students and those with DACA status are, and will continue to remain, a significant and valued part of our community, and we will do everything possible to ensure that they have the access and support they need to succeed.

Furthermore, we remain committed to our pledge, supported by our Board of Trustees, that The New School will not disclose any person’s citizenship or immigration status, nor will we cooperate with immigration authorities, unless forced to by a court order or warrant.

I continue to hope that we will see a positive outcome on DACA from the Trump administration and will continue to keep you updated on new developments.

David Van Zandt, President

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