About us
Hromada (trans. Ukr.) – a group of people united by their shared circumstances and interests; basic administrative-territorial unit of local self-government in Ukraine.
In this time of war, we, the concerned students and faculty from the New School for Social Research, have united into Hromada to express our solidarity and raise awareness about Ukraine. Ukraine, for decades treated as a Russian sphere of influence and a buffer zone between the great powers, deserves to be seen and studied in its own right. In this blog, we offer resources that will help our community to understand Ukraine and the war on it through the lenses of local reporting, history, culture, film, and humor. This platform also shares ways to support Ukrainians, through petitions, resources for students and scholars, protest information, donations and more.
The group includes both faculty (Jeffrey C. Goldfarb, Elzbieta Matynia, Inessa Medzhibovskaya, Jessica Pisano) and graduate students (Ihor Andriichuk, Emmanuel Guerisoli, Karolina Koziura, Elisabeta L. Pop, Mariia Shynkarenko, Malkhaz Toria, Adrian Totten).
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to join the group:
Mariia Shynkarenko