Negotiations Begin with SHENS-UAW Local 7902, Student Health Employees Union
On July 17, members of the university’s bargaining team met with their counterparts from SHENS-UAW Local 7902, representing Student Health Employees, and from SENS-UAW Local 7902, representing Academic Student Workers.
You can read more about the SENS negotiations here.
During the meeting on Monday with the SHENS bargaining team, the university presented for mutual discussion our proposed ground rules for the negotiations, along with some initial proposals and our availability to meet.
The university’s opening proposal follows the contours of the current contract, offering enhancements such as establishing a Professional Development Fund and updating paid sick language to enhance the statutory amounts. It is intended as a jumping off point to advance substantive discussions about what terms and benefits matter most to our Student Health Employees.
The union did not present any suggested ground rules of their own, but in response to the university’s suggestions, there was general agreement on sessions being in person with committee members having a hybrid remote option for days they are working remotely and agreement on the location for bargaining.
The union declined the university’s offer to meet twice a week to progress these talks and reach an agreement that benefits everyone. In addition, the union said they are not available to continue bargaining again until August 14, which is almost a month away. They offered a subsequent date for negotiations of September 11. Both dates are confirmed.
The current SHENS three-year contract, with an automatic 90-day extension based on the contract notice provisions, expires on August 9. The parties did discuss a possible contract extension to give time for substantive proposals from the union and negotiations before the contract expiration.
The university continues, as we have done for months, to make our bargaining team available to participate in talks at any point, and to discuss further proposals with the union on other key areas such as wages, and to listen to their requests and concerns. The university first reached out to begin negotiations on May 11, but the union repeatedly said they were unavailable to meet until July with our first session being conducted on Monday, July 17.
We believe that, together, we can reach agreements that will allow us all to focus on making the upcoming academic year a success for students, faculty, staff, and the whole New School Community. You can stay updated by signing up for email alerts here.