Latest from Labor Relations

Bargaining Continues with SENS-UAW Local 7902, Academic Student Workers

A Message from Sonya Williams, Vice President for Human Resources

Yesterday, the university bargaining team met with SENS-UAW Local 7902, the union representing our Academic Student Workers.

Progress on Certain Proposals

We reached conceptual agreement with the union’s proposal on intellectual property rights, and look forward to reaching a tentative agreement on this article in the near future.  

No Response to the University’s Economic Proposals

We were disappointed that the union was, once again, not prepared to discuss the core issues of wages, healthcare and other benefits that will be central to reaching agreement. The current SENS contract expired on August 31st, and the university’s initial offer on the table already includes significant enhancements, such as a 29% pay increase over the life of the contract. You can read more about our offer here.

During the session, the union focused on four proposals, including proposed counter language to the university’s proposals for Management and Academic Rights and Academic Student Worker Rights and Responsibilities. The union also presented two new proposals related to harassment and tuition. 

Progress on Community Viewing of Negotiations

Prior to yesterday’s session, the university shared updated ground rules that would allow for community viewing of negotiations. Our proposal includes concepts put forward by the union, and we are moving closer to consensus. This includes agreeing to not record sessions. 

Our next bargaining session will take place on September 22nd. As always, the university stands ready and available to meet sooner or more frequently as well. 

‌‌We are committed to remaining transparent throughout the process and will share updates on our Union Negotiations page. You can also stay updated by signing up for email updates here, and by following @knowournewschool on Twitter/X and Instagram.

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