Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment

PUP Chair Alex Schwartz’s co-authored article on Housing Affordability published in The Conversation

In November, The Conversation published an article on housing affordability co-authored by Alex Schwartz, chair of the Public and Urban Policy program, and Kirk McClure, Professor Emeritus of Urban Planning at the University of Kansas. “Why building more homes won’t solve the affordable housing problem for the millions of people who need it most” can be read here. It has been reprinted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Cleveland Plain Dealer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and other publications. 

Professor Schwartz’s research centers on housing and community development, including public housing and other affordable housing programs, mixed-income housing, fair housing, and community development corporations.  While most of his research has focused on housing issues in the United States, he has also studied housing policy in the United Kingdom and has consulted for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).

Professor Schwartz is the author of Housing Policy in the United States: 4th Edition (Routledge, 2021). He is co-author with Milano colleague Rachel Meltzer of Policy Analysis as Problem Solving: A Flexible and Evidence-Based Framework  (Routledge 2018). His research has appeared in such journals as Cityscape, Economic Development Quarterly, Housing Policy Debate, Housing Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, the Journal of Urban Affairs, and the Journal of the American Planning Association. In addition, he served as the Managing Editor for North America for the international journal Housing Studies from 2010 to 2020.

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