The New School News

Simon Critchley Discusses Life and Meaning in How to Stop Living and Start Worrying

How can I find happiness?,

It’s the question at the heart of nearly every self-help book, with answers ranging from weight loss to career change to transcendental meditation. But to Simon Critchley, professor and chair of Philosophy at The New School for Social Research, the problem begins with the question itself. Although its title plays on clich√©s from the self-help genre, Critchley’s new book How to Stop Living and Start Worrying isn’t concerned with the question of happiness or personal improvement. Rather than providing guidance for those seeking happiness, Critchley applies his study of continental philosophy to life in the 21st century, touching on topics from politics to pop music in a series of interviews.

The philosophy and theory blog A Piece of Monologue called the book an indispensable resource to anyone interested in Critchley’s writing., (The New School News seconds this endorsement.) To find out more about the book, click here.

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