The New School News

Feedback February: We Want to Hear from You!

The New School’s social media sites were created with our community, you, in mind. To make sure we’re hitting the mark, we just launched the university’s first-ever Social Media Survey. It’s short, only 10 questions, and deals with both your personal use of social media and your assessment of the university’s social media efforts so far.

We’re particularly interested in seeing how you like our newest features: the Connect portal, which aggregates social media sites from across the university; and the Connect toolbar at the bottom of this page (and many others), which allows you to view news and other updates without leaving the comfort of the New School website.

So whether you’re already a fan, or just learning about our work in the social space, take a few minutes this month to tell us what you like, what you could do without, and what we can do to make The New School’s social sites better than ever.

Take The Next Step

Submit your application


To apply to any of our Bachelor's programs (Except the Bachelor's Program for Adult Transfer Students) complete and submit the Common App online.

Graduates and Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Master's, Doctural, Professional Studies Diploma, Graduates Certificate, or Associate's programs, or to apply to the Bachelor's Program for Adult and Transfer Students, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
