The New School News

Hitting the Road, Fulbright Style

New School alumnus Karl Ramos has had quite a busy year. Not only is he teaching 22 different English courses per week and administering a writing and advanced level speaking class, but he’s also running a new media club—all in Turkey. Ramos spent the 2012-2013 academic year as a Fulbright Scholar in an English Teaching Assistantship at Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi. Using skills he acquired at The New School (he graduated with a Master of Arts in Media Studies from The New School for Public Engagement), Ramos recently started instructing Turkish students on how to address community issues through multimedia and video.

“I was so impressed by the cutting edge curriculum of the Media Studies program,” Ramos said. “I learned everything I know about media production from The New School, and I want to build on these skills while out in the field.” After finishing his teaching assistantship in Turkey, Ramos plans to work towards a career in international education development. “I realized my gravitation towards educational programs abroad while finishing my masters degree,” said Ramos. “I was inspired by The New School’s activism—analyzing world issues like women’s rights, genocide, public health, and international development.”

To read more about the Fulbright Program, click here.

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