What the Media Isn’t Asking Nina Khrushcheva About Russia and Syria
Since Russia began launching air strikes on Syria last month, Nina Khrushcheva, professor of International Affairs at the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy, has been busy offering up her expert assessment of Russian politics to major news networks.
She’s answered questions about Russia’s support of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, its attacks on anti-Assad rebel groups, and its stance on the Islamic State. But there is one very important question the media hasn’t brought up: How is Russia influencing oil prices through its involvement in Syria?
“Oil prices were going down, which is a really big problem for Russia,” she says in a recent video interview. “One of the reasons I’m sure Putin is going as a force into Syria is not only to keep tabs on America, but also to try to manipulate the oil markets. It’s already working—the prices are going up.”
Khrushcheva recently sat down to provide her perspective on what has been missing from the media’s narrative about Russia’s strategy in Syria and what all International Affairs students should know about U.S.-Russia relations.
Click on the links below to see her appearances in other media.
MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart, Russia Sending Troops, Weapons to Syria, September 15, 2015
Rachel Maddow Show, September 28 2015
MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart, President Obama Meets with Russian, Cuban Leaders, September 29, 2015
Huffington Post Live, Putin Launches First Airstrikes in Syria, September 30, 2015
Bloomberg Markets, Putin’s Syria Strikes: What He’s Hoping to Accomplish, October 2, 2015
Al Jazeera America, In Crisis: Ukraine, October 2, 2015
Up With Steve Kornacki, Obama Slams Putin Over Syria Bombing Campaign, October 3, 2015
NBC News, Russian Aggression Complicates Obama’s Options in Syria, October 9, 2015
The Daily Beast, Putin’s New American Fan Club?, October 11, 2105
Background Briefing with Ian Masters, Putin Refuses to Be Ignored, October 11, 2015