Denis Savelyev, Mannes ’17, Wins Annual New York Flute Club Competition
Mannes flutists have won five of the 12 prizes awarded by the New York Flute Club in the last four years. This impressive tradition continued when Denis Savelyev, Mannes ’17, recently won first place at the club’s annual competition for his invigorating performance of Dutilleux’s Sonatine.
The prize comes with an award of $1,000 and the opportunity for Savelyev to give a recital performance sponsored by the NYFC on April 30 at 5:30pm at Baruch Performing Arts Center.
“Music has always been my life,” said Savelyev. “Even if I had not won an award, it would be enough for me to share my performance with the public on my best level.”
After he graduates in May, Savelyev will join The Orchestra Now, a highly acclaimed and innovative ensemble under the direction of Leon Botstein at Bard College.