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Focusing on factors like authenticity, data ethics, inclusivity, sustainability, and participation, the Creative AI Magnifier creates a visualization that illustrates each creative’s unique perspective
Focusing on factors like authenticity, data ethics, inclusivity, sustainability, and participation, the Creative AI Magnifier creates a visualization that illustrates each creative’s unique perspective

Andrew Shea, Associate Professor of Integrated Design, Creates New Tool to Address Questions of AI in Creative Projects

The ethics of artificial intelligence seem to be changing every single day. New technologies are being created, and with that innovation comes new ways of using tech applications and products.

For people in creative industries, the use of AI has been especially challenging. Some artists have sworn off the use of any AI in their projects, while others have embraced it, and still others remain open to its benefits, but wary of its misuse.

To address some of the questions that have come up about AI in the past several years, Andrew Shea, Associate Professor of Integrated Design and the Associate Dean of the School of Design Strategies at Parsons, created the Creative AI Magnifier, a tool that allows users to zoom out from the scattered AI noise and align their use of AI tools with their values. Focusing on factors like authenticity, data ethics, inclusivity, sustainability, and participation, the Creative AI Magnifier creates a visualization that illustrates each creative’s unique perspective.

As Shea recognized the benefits of AI in the creative process, he began considering the development of a tool to assist creatives. He was also teaching a course called“AI, Creativity, and Social Justice” with Jeongki Lim, Dean of the School of Design Strategies. The readings they assigned on ethics led to robust discussions.

“This tool simplifies some of the key, ethical issues that we were discussing into a format that is easy to use and can be reflective of a creative individual’s point of view without a large investment of their time,” explains Shea. “At the same time, if someone wants to go deeper into the topics discussed in the tool, they have the opportunity to learn more through distinct narratives about each of the topics.”

In order to develop the tool, Shea explored hundreds of guidelines and frameworks that have been released by governments, educational organizations, and professional associations. None of those specifically addressed the concerns of creative individuals, so he began to map out the most important points that he felt artists come across in their own practice. He wrote and designed the content through his own design studio, MANY, and worked directly with Jay Tobin, a Design and Technology MFA alum who runs Dayflower Studio and who developed the technical dimensions of the tool, and served as a sounding board throughout the development process.

“The Creative AI Magnifier is essential because the tools we use—AI or otherwise—shape us,” Shea shares. “Many of today’s most hyped AI tools are transforming how artists, designers, musicians, writers, and other creatives produce their work, reshaping the creative landscape in the process. I’m not at all opposed to technological innovations. I created this tool because I think we need to consider how technology might be changing us as creators, our disciplines, and society at large. Hopefully this tool helps creative individuals make decisions about how they want to interact with AI.”

As a designer and educator, Shea is influenced by his work at Parsons, and vice versa. The conversations he has with colleagues and students helps inform his own work, while the work he does with his design studio enables him to provide the practical expertise that students need, and which helps make Parsons the top design school in the country.

Looking ahead, Shea has created an academic lab with the School of Design Strategies called the “Lab for AI, Ethics, and Creative Labor” alongside his colleague, Sareeta Amrute, Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management. The Lab will allow Shea and his colleagues to facilitate research studies, host events, and broaden the conversation around AI in creative practice.

“The Creative AI Magnifier tool is a work in progress, and I’m planning to update the tool later this year because the field of AI is moving so quickly. I want to make sure that the tool is responsive to how our creative fields are changing. I’m hopeful that creative communities use the tool to inform their discussions in their classes, their workplace, and most importantly in their personal practice.”

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