Reminder! Take the Student Health Survey! Chance to Win an iPad, AirPod Pros or Other Gift Certificates!
A message from: Tamara Oyola-Santiago, Director of Public Health Services
Tracy Robin, Associate Provost for Student Health Services
The American College Health Association
Dear Student,
All students are invited to participate in the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) sponsored and distributed by the American College Health Association (ACHA). The ACHA-NCHA is a survey designed to assess student health behaviors in order to provide better services and support for New School students. You may benefit by knowing that you have assisted in providing accurate information regarding health/wellness behaviors on our campus. The information will be used to develop wellness programs and services for all students. The Campus Food Pantry and the Safe Zone Program are two initiatives that came directly from previous student responses to the survey.
The NCHA-Web is completed online via the Internet. We encourage you to complete the survey in one sitting, which typically takes about 20-30 minutes. All students who submit a survey will be automatically entered in a random drawing for one of the following:
- one (1) Apple iPad with Pencil,
- two (2) Apple AirPods Pros,
- two (2) $100 Visa gift cards,
- four (4) $50 NYC Omny or Paris Metro cards,
- ten (10) $20 gift cards to O Cafe @ 462 Sixth Avenue or a cafe local to Parsons Paris
There may be some personal discomfort with the content of certain questions. For example, there are questions regarding illegal substance use, interpersonal violence, and sexual behavior. If you’d like to talk with someone about issues addressed in the survey, you may contact Tamara Oyola-Santiago, Director of Public Health Services, for campus resources and support, or contact one of these national resources.
Your participation is completely voluntary and confidential. To ensure confidentiality, e-mail addresses are destroyed by ACHA before data are compiled and shared with The New School. The raw data file that is shared with your school will not contain any unique identifiers. If you feel that answering specific demographic questions might reveal your identity, you may leave them blank. You may answer only some questions, or you may choose not to participate in the survey at all. Any reports or publications based on this research will use only group data and will not identify you or any individual as being affiliated with this project.
By taking this survey, you consent to participate in the study and agree that the purpose of this study has been satisfactorily explained to you. You understand you are free to discontinue participation at any time if you so choose and that the researcher will gladly answer any questions that may arise during the course of the research. Refusing or withdrawing from this study will be at no penalty or loss of benefits to you.
Data transmission is encrypted and firewall securities are in place. After you submit the survey to the secure server, a message thanking you for taking the NCHA-Web will be displayed in your browser window, and you will receive a confirmation email.
If you agree to participate in the ACHA NCHA-Web survey, click on the following Internet address to continue:
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
Thank you for your cooperation!
Tamara Oyola-Santiago, Tracy Robin, and the American College Health Association