Join Fellow Change Makers at the New Challenge Launch Event on 10/27!
Want to win up to $10K to tackle wicked social problems?
Looking for collaborators who share similar interests?
Curious to learn from and be inspired by successful social entrepreneurs?
Students will hear from leading social innovators while sharing ideas and meeting potential collaborators. Confirmed speakers include Jordyn Lexton, Founder, Drive Change; Nicole Messier, Founder, blink blink; and Dennis Derryck, Founder, Corbin Hill Food Project and Milano Professor. New Challenge is a university-wide ideas competition for New School students committed to addressing social and environmental challenges on a local or global scale. Winners are eligible for mentorship, skill-building workshops, and the change to win up to $10K.
The 2016 Launch Event will take place on Tuesday, October 27 from 5 to 8 pm in the Theresa Lang Center, on the 2nd Floor of 55 W. 13th Street in New York City.