Impact Entrepreneurship


How did you find out you wanted to take an entrepreneurial path?

After immigrating from Norway, my grandfather successfully built a construction business and found entrepreneurial success. He has always been an inspiration for me, and after spending many years in corporate, I knew I was ready to do my own thing as well. I had amassed a strong knowledge of SEO working for various tech companies and wanted to work directly with businesses and entrepreneurs to help them maximize their search presence.

Tell us about your venture/work.

I’m the founder and CEO of Mrs. SEO, a Seattle-based company offering SEO services, team training, and consulting. I also teach Introduction to SEO at the University of Washington (the first class of its kind in the communications program). Currently, I’m in the process of building a web app that will connect SEO service providers with businesses in need.

How did you decide to tackle this particular issue?

I saw a need in the market for service providers who specifically focus on SEO, as many similar companies offer a broad spectrum of services and aren’t as tapped in to the intricacies and ever-changing best practices of search engine optimization. Also, on a global level, men account for 70 percent of the SEO industry, so I wanted to increase representation for women and start to tip the scale.

How do you navigate the space of being a founder and also being a POC/women/non-binary person?

Right now, most of the thought leaders in the SEO world are men, so it can be daunting to try to break in to that seemingly exclusive club. That can be a difficult reality to face, but I choose to use my platform to keep supporting and amplifying women’s voices in the SEO space. 90 percent of my clients are small women-owned businesses—along with furthering opportunities for women in tech, I want to support women in all industries in leveling up their web presence. I also actively seek out speaking opportunities, teaching roles and other ways I can empower women to rise in tech.

What advice do you have for early-stage impact entrepreneurs about using their time and relationships to prepare for this kind of career?

Network! Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Join like-minded groups. Get involved in your chambers of commerce and promote your business. Don’t be afraid to fail—instead of thinking about the worst thing that can happen, what’s the best thing that can happen? Use failure as a learning opportunity.

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