Impact Entrepreneurship


Tell us about your venture/work.

Amami, meaning “Love Me” in Italian, is a luxury leather goods brand nestled in the heart of Tuscany. We specialize in crafting bold, exquisitely designed pieces that resonate deeply with individual identities. Our products serve as fashion statements, promoting radical self-empowerment by encouraging customers to embrace their unique imperfections, complexities, and experiences. Designed with a timeless aesthetic, our pieces are intended to accompany customers on their journey of self-love and self-acceptance.

How did you find out you wanted to take an entrepreneurial path?

I discovered my desire to pursue entrepreneurship because I wanted a career that aligns with my passion and purpose. My diverse background in corporate America, covering multiple industries and businesses of various sizes, equipped me with the skills needed to successfully run my own business.

What do you enjoy most about being an impact entrepreneur? What are the main challenges?

I love being an impact entrepreneur because it allows me to drive positive change in the fashion industry through my business.

How do you navigate the space of being a founder and also being a POC/woman/non-binary person?

As an African American woman, I’ve had to learn how to navigate a space that predominantly benefits white men. Securing funding and establishing credibility as a minority business owner have been significant challenges.

As a founder, I leverage my personal story, the business’s purpose, and vision to engage and inspire others to understand our mission. By building a supportive community, we generate word-of-mouth and establish credibility.

What advice do you have for early-stage impact entrepreneurs about using their time and relationships to prepare for this kind of career?

For early-stage impact entrepreneurs, it’s essential to hone your organizational and planning skills. Set clear milestones and use project management tools to monitor your progress.

Building strong relationships is also critical. These connections can provide the support, expertise, and network of investors needed to kickstart and sustain your venture.

Click here to learn more about Amami.

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Graduates and Adult Learners

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