School of Media Studies

EVENT: Virtual Workshop ‘Minding Your Movie Business’ Series for Emerging Filmmakers!  

For the third consecutive year, March on Washington Film Festival’s three-part virtual workshop series, Minding Your Movie Business, brings together renowned Hollywood professionals in the field offering insider, real-world information to emerging filmmakers. The workshop series fosters open and honest conversations about issues that historically underrepresented storytellers face within the industry and provides vital resources for filmmakers.

Streaming has created more opportunities for filmmakers of color. But is it always the best route compared to theatrical distribution? Our first workshop, What’s My Distribution Strategy? Streaming vs. Theatrical Release – A Director’s Perspective with Yoruba Richen, kicks off on March 16th with a deep dive into the pros and cons of theatrical distribution vs. streaming platforms to set you up for success with a great distribution plan.

Click here to stay updated with the full catalog of workshops and register!.

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