School of Media Studies

RUFF CUTS 1: October 6, 2023, from 6-9pm

We are excited to announce the first RUFF CUTS for Fall 2023, which takes place on Friday, October 6, 2023, from 6-9 p.m. in the Wollman Hall

Register for the event HERE!

RUFF CUTS is SMS’s main screening event, where students and alums screen their films and receive feedback from colleagues and professors. The screenings are an opportunity to watch and discuss films made by the SMS community. These shows traditionally attract professors, alums, festival programmers, industry professionals, and students from across the university. 

Deadline: Please submit your films/works-in-progress to by Sunday, October 1, 2023 (or before), and mention your name, the title of your film, and the TRT (total running time of your film). The RUFF CUTS film screenings are on a first-come, first-served basis, so please submit as early as possible. We typically screen around 8 films. 

15th Anniversary: This year marks the 15th anniversary of RUFF CUTS, and we are planning a few exciting celebrations and festivities – more info soon. 

Volunteers: RUFF CUTS is looking for volunteers to help undertake the important task of producing the shows. If you are interested, please email   

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Graduates and Adult Learners

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