School of Media Studies

Illustration Credit: Vaishanavi Raul
Illustration Credit: Vaishanavi Raul

Share Your Thoughts: A Platform for Student Voices 

Welcome to the Student Voices Blog page.

The page is dedicated to students sharing their unique stories, and experiences. We are committed to providing a platform for students to express themselves and share these insights with the broader community. Explore the voices of your peers, and feel free to contribute your own.

Finding The Right Direction: How Grad School Guided Me to the Right Profession

In this installment, Student Voices connects and highlights, a fellow Media Management Graduate student, Gina Chuang, and her journey with TNS Grad School. Read the full post here.

Exploring New Horizons: A Media Studies Graduate’s Journey Through Campus Opportunities

The first installment of Student Voices shares the journey of Vaishanavi (V) Raul, a Media Studies graduate with an artistic passion for theatre. Read the full post here.

If you’d like to share your own stories, we’d love to hear from you! Submit your contributions here or reach out to us at

Take The Next Step

Submit your application


To apply to any of our Bachelor's programs (Except the Bachelor's Program for Adult Transfer Students) complete and submit the Common App online.

Graduates and Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Master's, Doctural, Professional Studies Diploma, Graduates Certificate, or Associate's programs, or to apply to the Bachelor's Program for Adult and Transfer Students, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
