School of Media Studies

Photo credit to the original creator.
Photo credit to the original creator.

Helio San Miguel’s Documentary Explores the Life and Legacy of Philosopher Agnes Heller

Assistant Professor Helio San Miguel has released a feature-length documentary, Agnes Heller: Philosopher, Dissident, Activist, which examines the life, intellectual contributions, and political activism of the esteemed philosopher and former New School professor Agnes Heller. Serving as the film’s director, writer, and producer, Helio presents a comprehensive portrayal of Heller’s work and influence on contemporary thought.

The documentary traces Heller’s journey, from surviving the Holocaust and challenging Hungary’s socialist regime to becoming one of the most influential voices in philosophy. Through archival material, interviews, and critical analysis, the film explores her dedication to ethics, individual freedom, and social justice.

Check out the presentation trailer here.

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