
2024 Conference
A Mnemonic Turn and the Future of Democratic Politics
A Mnemonic Turn and the Future of Democratic Politics
Thursday-Friday, April 24-25, 2025. The New School,
Conference Organizers
The Memory Studies Network (MSN) of the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS) at The New School for Social Research, in partnership with the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS)
This year’s conference will engage with the proposed wide-ranging theme of A Mnemonic Turn and the Future of Democratic Politics, accommodating a variety of issues particularly relevant to the current pressing concerns of collective memory and democracy. These issues include, but are not limited to:
- The democratic potential of memory politics
- The role of both social and academic institutions in shaping collective memory
- The emergence of repressed or unmastered pasts
- Transitional justice and memory politics
- The intersection of demos and ethnos in shaping new mnemonic practices
- The crisis of the post-WWII moral and memory consensus: How does the politics of forgetting fuel the resurgence of authoritarian governments?
- The authoritarian appropriation of memory politics
- The transformative power of public discourse
- Decolonization and memory: reclaiming the past as a form of identity politics
- The upsurge of memory movements and mnemonic practices
- The emergence of grassroots memory representations and resistance movements
- Challenges posed by the mnemonic turn and the prevalence of post-truth narratives
- The question of unfinished/incomplete historical narratives: the interplay between memory and history
- Memory, geopolitics, and democracy

2023 Conference | Hybrid
The Weaponization of Memory in Times of
Political Rupture(s)
The Weaponization of Memory in Times of Political Rupture(s)
Saturday, May 13, 2023. The New School,
Conference Organizers
The Memory Studies Group at the New School, Transregional Center for Democratic
Studies, and the Democracy Seminar
Hybrid Conference
Recognizing the global shift to populist politics,
the re-emergence of authoritarian regimes, and the ongoing war conducted by
Russia against Ukraine, we are proposing a theme that spotlights the striking
instrumentalization of memory and unmasks the logic of power relations. Examples
of “using and abusing the past” are visible in many cases: the unprecedented
proliferation and cultivation of biopolitics during the COVID-19 pandemic; the
national populist rhetoric against migrants in Trump’s USA or Orban’s Hungary;
the Russian invasion of Ukraine; the full out war between Armenia and Azerbaijan
in the Caucasus; the attack on democracy and the rise of illiberal regimes
elsewhere from Bolsonaro’s Brazil to Modi’s India. All these and other
profoundly unsettling political and social events illuminate “the power of
memory” and “the power over memory” (Müller 2002) in our time of political and
social upheavals and cataclysms.
The conference panels will be structured according to
the main theme that may contain sub-topics, including but not limited to the
broad themes listed below:
- Populism and
nationalization of the past under illiberal regimes (Russia, Hungary,
Turkey, Brasil, India, etc.); - Trump, MAGA
movement and re-making America’s’ memory - Attacking factual
history, creating alternative past and memory in time of disinformation,
fake news, and post-truth - New censorship:
rewriting, redefining, and changing the meaning of the past - Politics of erasure
of memory and social amnesia - Suppressing memories
and identities of vulnerable groups (LGBT community, ethnic, cultural,
and religious minorities) - Solidarity,
resistance, and mobilizing memory: political movements and civil
society during the crisis of democracy - Memory,
-transitional justice, and democratization - Memory and
historical dialogue as a way of political reconciliation - Truth-seeking,
truth-telling, and memorial culture in times of rupture.

2021 Conference | Online
Suspended Present: Downloading the Past and Gaming the
Future in a Time of Pandemic

Suspended Present: Downloading the Past and Gaming the Future in a Time of Pandemic
April 21-23, 2021. The New School, NYC
Online Conference Organizers
The Memory Studies Group at the New School, Transregional Center for Democratic Studies,
and the Democracy Seminar
Online Conference
Augustine of Hippo (353-430 AD) stated in his
Confessions that “if the present were always present, and did not pass into past
time, it obviously would not be time but eternity” (Book 11, section 14.17). Uncannily,
this phrase echoes our suspended present enforced by COVID-19. It is as if we have lost
the memory of the recent regular past when we did not wear masks and could freely gather
in person. Neither are we sure about our once predictable future, nor is it clear that the
way we relate to the past remains unchanged.
From our confined spaces dominated by small computer screens, we
see how the pressing issues of our time begin to float in front of us in new condensed
forms. The perilous biopolitics of the pandemic, combined with the politics of fear, have
reinforced an upsurge of nativism, right-wing populism, xenophobia, conspiracy theories,
etc. The outbreak of COVID became an opportunity for authoritarian governments to further
solidify their power, which includes restricting civil rights, imposing a state of
exception, and fortifying the mass surveillance infrastructure.
However, the pandemic has exposed how incredibly vulnerable we
are, not just to this deadly COVID-19 but to an infection that affects the way we think
about our past, present, and future. This sickness, like a computer virus, has much to do
with the way we download the past and re-frame our memory. What and how we are downloading
from our virtualized imaginary serves the goals of governmentality and the politics of
“care”. Needless to say, we are all very interested in how to end the suspended time we
now live in.
The area of our interest includes but is not limited to the broad
themes listed below:
The Past: Pandemic, Power, and the Politics of
- Old and New Democracies Challenged (state of emergency, martial law, the uses of
quarantines, surveillance, and lockdowns, etc.). - Shifting Sense of Time and Space: What happens to the public-private distinction;
Migration and Memory. - New Actors in Memory Discourse: Gender, Race, Age
The Future: How to End a Suspended Time?
- What’s the role of Public Memory in moving beyond the hiatus?
- How to deal with the trauma of the suspension? How to heal the scars?

2018 Conference
Memory Rebound: A Conference Celebrating 10 Years of

Memory Rebound: A Conference Celebrating 10 Years of Scholarship
April 14, 2018. The New School, NYC
The Memory Rebound conference took place on April 14,
2018. Together with 33 speakers from universities across North America, Europe, and
Israel, we explored the future of memory. We asked, what has changed, what remains the
same? What are the realities of interdisciplinary collaboration, and where is the field of
memory studies headed?
Opening remarks were made by Dean William Milberg; panel
presentations included New School faculty, students, alumni, and friends; a special
reunion keynote, moderated by Elzbieta Matynia and Jonathan Bach, featured the Memory
Group’s founding members and remarks from William Hirst, Jeffrey Goldfarb, Robin
Wagner-Pacifici, Barbie Zelizer, and Jeffrey K. Olick.
The intellectual breadth of the participants was stunning. The
first session – extremely well attended for the early hour – was focused on the youngest
generation of memory scholars, mostly MA students, who came with their own innovative
approach to the field. The second session (titled “Space Unbound”) covered a wide range of
topics, from lego replication of the Berlin Wall to the imaginary construction of the
atomic bomb. The third session (“Agents and Activists”) featured scholars engaged with
memory as a form of activism and its weaponization by state and non-state agents alike.
The keynote was a success. We had chosen an unconventional
approach and asked the memory reunion panel for their personal views on the future
interdisciplinarity of memory studies, which was followed by short, insightful, and
entertaining statements by professors such as Jeff Olick and Barbie Zelizer. We ended on a
heated debate concerning the conceptualization of ‘aftermath’ in memory studies, where
NSSR’s own Robin Wagner-Pacifici and Jeff Olick engaged in contentious but friendly
Our conference was well attended by students from the NSSR and
beyond; at any given moment, we had about 50 people present in the Wolff conference room.
We have received amazing feedback from professors and students alike. Notable names in the
field sent us wildly positive thank you’s afterwards, such as Bill Hirst, who thought, “it
was intellectually exciting, covered a diverse range of topics, and showed how good
interdisciplinary work and discussion should proceed.”

2012 Conference
The Arts of Memory: The Fifth Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary
Memory Conference

The Arts of Memory: The Fifth Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
April 26-27, 2012. The New School, NYC
Playing on the title of the influential text of Frances Yates,
The Art of Memory, (1966), where she traces the use of mnemonic techniques from the
classical age to the Enlightenment, the fifth annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory
Conference focused on contemporary arts of memory.
Participants discussed the arts and artifices of memory
practices, both as embedded in physical forms, such as museums and memorials, and in the
enactment of memory reaches for new ways to conceptualize the arts of memory through the
visual, tactile, textual, and synesthetic expressions of the past. Other sessions will be
dedicated to a reflexive examination of the arts of memory scholarship—the scholarly
investigation of the arts of memory investigated as an art in itself.
Some of the questions the conference addressed:
- How are different memory practices oriented around different senses: sight, sound,
touch, taste, and smell? - How are events associated with one set of senses or practices remembered through
another set of senses or practices? - How are spaces and material objects, such as sites, documents, photographs, and
bodies, transformed through memory practices? - How are different methods of memory disrupted, altered, or remapped over time?
- What is the relationship between destruction and creation in memory practices?
- What happens when events that seem insignificant as they unfold in the present become
imbued with new significance in memory form? - What methods do we use as scholars to conduct research on memory practice?
- How do we study memory on an individual and a socio-historical scale?
- What theoretical perspectives can shed light on the methodologies of memory?
Themes the conference examined:
- Methods of social remembering
- Memory and the body
- Memory and the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell
- Memory and space/place
- Virtual museums, digital archives, and online memory projects
- Mapping memory
- Evidentiary practices
- Memory and visual culture/cultural production
- Loss and aging of memories on a social scale
- Memory and transformation, confusion, destruction, fragmentation
- Synesthetic memory
- Theoretical approaches to the analysis of methods of memory
- Research methods in memory studies
This 2012 conference coincided with a celebration honoring the
career of Professor of Sociology Vera Zolberg on Saturday, April 28, 2012. The two
events, while maintaining their own agendas, complemented each other and all conference
participants were encouraged to attend both.

2011 Conference
Memory: Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: The Fourth Annual
NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory Conference

Memory: Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: The Fourth Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory
March 24-26, 2011. The New School, NYC
The clamor of the past can be almost deafening: it preoccupies us
through speech, texts, screens, spaces, and commemorative spectacles; it makes demands on
us to settle scores, uncover the “truth” and search for justice; it begs for enshrinement
in museums and memorials, and it shapes our understanding of the present and future.
However noisy and ceaseless the demands and memory of the past may seem, though, in every
act of remembering there is something silenced, suppressed, or forgotten. Memory’s
inherent selectivity means that for every narrative, representation, image, or sound
evoking the past, there is another that has become silent – deliberately forgotten,
carelessly omitted, or simply neglected.
It is the tension between the loud and often spectacular past and
those forgotten pasts we strain to hear that this conference seeks to address. For those
in the booming field of memory studies, this tension between silence and spectacle is
especially productive. As the past often serves as a screen on which we project our
present ambitions and future aspirations, what is silenced and what is loudly remembered
tell us much about the present and future. This tension also illuminates what has been
selected for remembering and why; allows for alternative memories and understandings to
emerge; reminds us that forgetting is sometimes necessary, and ultimately deepens our
theoretical and empirical understanding of memory and its processes. The interplay of
silence, screen, and spectacle also raise a number of pressing questions that have been
neglected in the field of memory studies, but which will be increasingly important for
future studies of memory, including:
- Whose memories are silenced and suppressed (and by whom)?
- When is forgetting beneficial and/or necessary?
- How do forms of testimony and remembering (e.g., legal testimony vs. oral history;
traditional memory spaces like museums vs. other forms of remembering like dance, art,
and theater) work differently to make memory heard or silenced? - What is the relationship of memory to “truth” if a part of the past is always
silenced? - What happens when memories long silenced are “heard” again?
- Does too much remembering cause static, keeping us from truly “hearing” the past?
- What kind of knowledge is nostalgia, silence, or forgetting?
- What sources of “evidence” of the past are the most legitimate today, what are the
most convincing in public debates, international courts, the media? - What power does the visual have on us and how does it compete with other sources of
knowledge, such as documents, testimonies, audio-recordings, and embodied memory? - What can the visual hide; what is unspoken?
Panel and workshop themes include: Remembering and Forgetting
9/11; Truth Commissions: Spectacle and Silence; Memory and Truth; Silences, Memory, and
U.S. Counter-Terrorism; Human Rights, Law, and Memory; Tourism and the Memory Market; New
Media, Memory, and Silence; Archives, Communities, and Memory; Screening Silence: Visual
Memory and Forgetting; Nostalgia: Silence, Screen and Spectacle.

2010 Conference
The Limits of Memory: The Third Annual NSSR
Memory Conference

The Limits of Memory: The Third Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
March 4-6, 2010. The New School, NYC
In 2010, the third conference “The Limits of Memory,” aimed to address some of the limits in
theories and practices of memory, focusing on how the uses of memory are often intimately
tied up with its abuses. The conference explored the ways in which the growing field of
memory studies can continue to push the boundaries of inquiry and the boundaries between
disciplines. Interdisciplinary panels addressed:
- How the ways we measure, organize, and/or evaluate memory influence the ways in which
it is theorized. - How projects of memory can escape the lens of trauma.
- Which memories are “allowed” and what happens to those that are shut out of official
narratives of the past. - What the boundaries are between collective and individual aims for recounting the past
- What happens when memorial or reparation projects fail.
- How memory is used to perpetuate violence and conflict or to relocate or transplant it
- What are the limits of memory as a tool for reconciliation and forgiveness?
- What the implications of a focus on the future in memory studies might be.
This conference’s call for papers received unprecedented response and there were over 80
presenters and moderators. Andreas Huyssean, professor of German &
Comparative Literature at Columbia, and James Pennebaker, professor and
chair of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin were the keynote speakers. In
addition to over 20 interdisciplinary panels, the conference concluded with two synthesis
panels: one led by the editors of the upcoming Memory Studies Reader and a second composed
of leading memory scholars, who synthesized some of the themes and discussions that emerged
over the course of the three days.

2009 Conference
Memory and the Future: The Second Annual NSSR
Interdisciplinary Memory Conference

Memory and the Future: The Second Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
In direct response to the discussions and debates of the first
conference and subsequent lecture series, we organized a second conference, “Memory and
the Future,” in 2009. This conference sought to address concerns that memory studies as a
field is inherently backward-looking, and that memory itself—and the ways in which it is
deployed, invoked, and utilized—can potentially hinder efforts to move forward by
examining the ways in which the study of memory is ultimately about and for the present
and future. The conference brought together an interdisciplinary group of prominent
scholars to examine the relationship between the past, present, and – especially – future.
Over 200 scholars and students attended the three-day event. Dori Laub, a
psychoanalytic psychiatrist from Yale University, and Jerome Bruner, a
cognitive psychologist currently teaching at NYU Law School, delivered the keynote
remarks. The interdisciplinary panels covered a wide range of topics including:
- The internationalization of memory: How models and meanings are transported around the
world. - Denial, imposture, and historical events: Can a scientific method limit the dubious
mobilization of memory. - Memory and revenge: Terrorism, political aggression, and violence before and after a
transition to peace.
Narrative, oral history, and visual memory.
The changing role, power, and meaning of testimonies and their
possessors; Memory studies and the future.
This conference resulted in special journal issues, lectures, and publications including
the book “Memory and the Future: Transnational Politics, Ethics and Society” (Gutman,
Brown, & Sodaro, 2010).

2008 Conference
Is an Interdisciplinary Field of Memory Studies Possible?:
The First Annual NSSR Interdisciplinary Memory Conference

Is an Interdisciplinary Field of Memory Studies Possible?: The First Annual NSSR
Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
The three-day international conference brought together leading
scholars, practitioners, and graduate students from a wide range of disciplines to explore
themes, theories, and methodologies within memory studies. In total, the conference
brought together 85 presenters and moderators from 29 disciplines and 34 universities.
Dominick LaCapra, from Cornell University’s humanistic studies program
and Richard McNally, a psychologist from Harvard delivered the keynote
Interdisciplinary panels on Silence, Truth & Power,
Media/Space, Identity, Trauma, and Theory provided important opportunities for
scholars to exchange ideas and approaches to memory across disciplines. The conference
closed with three separate panels exploring conceptions of memory as it is manifest in the
individual (traditionally the realm of psychology), the collective (sociology, political
science, anthropology, etc), and “in-between” these two categories
(philosophy/phenomenology, as well as other fields such as sociology, psychology,
anthropology, and literature/humanities). These panels were then synthesized by leading
scholars in the field who considered some of the differences, similarities, and
possibilities for discussion between and about the different disciplinary approaches to
The conference led to a lecture series at the New School, the
publication of research articles, edited volumes, and the development of an international
network of memory studies scholars.