The New School News

The New School’s Spring 2024 Semester in Books

During the spring semester, The New School’s talented faculty authors continued to confront a number of pressing social and cultural issues in their published works, which include  a reexamination of the narratives told around immigration and race in the United States, a dissection of the relationship between infrastructure and socioeconomic inequality, and mathematical analyses of decisions, voting, and games. Works published range from fiction to children’s books to nonfiction.

Faculty members also produced a number of works during the fall 2023 semester.

Below is a list of books released during the spring 2024 semester. Discover your next great read.

New Narratives of the Peopling of America: Immigration, Race, and Dispossession
Alex Aleinikoff, NSSR Dean and University Professor (co-editor)
Alexandra Délano Alonso, Associate Professor of Global Studies (co-editor)

Las Luchas por La Memoria Contra Las Violencias en México
Alexandra Délano Alonso,  Associate Professor of Global Studies (co-editor)

Marie-Helene Bertino, Adjunct Professor of Creative Writing

Economic Growth and Long Cycles: A Classical Political Economy
Nikolaos Chatzarakis, Assistant Professor of Economics (co-author)

Infrastructure Policy and Inequality
Michael Cohen, Director of the Doctoral Program in Public and Urban Policy and Professor of International Affairs

The Wannabe Fascists: A Guide to Understanding the Greatest Threat to Democracy
Federico Finchelstein, Professor of History

Coca-Colas, Black Panthers, and Phantom Jets: Israel in the American Orbit, 1967–1973
Oz Frankel, Associate Professor of History

Work, Retire, Repeat: The Uncertainty of Retirement in the New Economy
Teresa Ghilarducci, Schwartz Professor of Economics and Policy Analysis

Derrida’s Social Ontology: Institutions in Deconstruction
Ryan Gustafson, Assistant Dean, The New School for Social Research

Fourteen Days 
Mira Jacob, Assistant Professor (contributor)

The Political Activism of Anthropologist Franz Boas, Citizen Scientist
Alan H. McGowan, Assistant Professor

America’s Dreaming
Robert McKinnon, Assistant Professor

A Termination
Honor Moore, Associate Teaching Professor

Sad Planets
Dominic Pettman, University Professor of Media and New Humanities (co-author)
Eugene Thacker, Professor of Media Studies (co-author)

Living in Language: International Reflections for the Practising Poet
Soje, Teaching Fellow (featured translator)

After David
Catherine Texier, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing

Life Underground: Encounters with People Below the Streets of New York
Terry Williams, Professor of Sociology

Delegate Apportionment in the U.S. Presidential Primaries: A Mathematical Analysis
Jennifer Wilson, Associate Professor of Mathematics (co-author)

Mathematical Analyses of Decisions, Voting and Games
Jennifer Wilson, Associate Professor of Mathematics (co-editor)

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