What Goes Into The Production for AMT Thesis

Production besides concept could be the most important part of completing and installing the thesis projects for AMT. Everything from sound, light, space, smell and medium is essential for a successful project.
Before production it is important to have a final prototype. A polished final prototype should demonstrate the concept & test the aesthetic properties of the piece, the usability or impact on an audience, and the technical feasibility of you being able to produce the work.
The next step is a Technical Production Plan
This is brainstorming a plan on how to first make & realize the project goal. This about how the project functions technically, and who is the intended audience etc. After summarizing plans for any further technical development, the seniors are encouraged to write out a bi-weekly production schedule that goes from beginning of January – April 1 (about six 2-week production sprints). For an endpoint of April 1st, the midpoint would be mid-February.
It is important to understand what is your strategy for testing with relevant stakeholders by January – February,
and to consider how the work would be at its best. Next semester the seniors are going into full production and we are all so excited to see how their projects evolve!