Parsons Paris

Mastering Multiple Industries: Lifestyle, Real Estate, and Digital Media

Article from issue 1 of ‘later’ – the Parsons Paris alumni magazine.
Story by Laura Zelmanowicz, Featuring Valeria Torres Rodriguez

Meet Valeria Torres Rodriguez, a visionary in digital strategy with over three years of hands-on experience in the Lifestyle and Real Estate sectors. With a portfolio boasting successful campaigns for eminent brands such as Michael Kors, Michelin Guide, and the Ritz, Valeria’s multifaceted expertise spans from social media management to full-scale digital marketing strategies. But her journey didn’t start here. Let’s dive into how an education at Parsons Paris became the launching pad for her career.

Why I Chose Parsons Paris and a BBA in Strategic Management & Design

“Parsons was my coup de cœur school; I was living my Gossip Girl era like Jenny Humphrey, and little did I know that I’d fall head over heels for the Parisian culture and the vibrancy of the people I met at Parsons. Choosing Parsons Paris wasn’t just about academics; it was a cultural and personal revolution for me. From my early days in marketing back in Mexico City, I craved more—more experiences, more challenges, and more life outside my comfort zone. I moved to Paris for a semester and immediately fell in love—not just with the city but with the complete package that my Bachelor of Business Administration in Strategic Management & Design offered. This program was an intersection of fashion, innovation, and entrepreneurial ventures, giving me the tools to manifest the life I’d always romanticized.”

The Academic Journey: A Foundation for Success

“Parsons laid a foundation on my CV that is irreplaceable. It’s not just about the curriculum but the post-graduation ecosystem that truly defines your career.”

Valeria’s academic experience at Parsons Paris was transformational in more ways than one. The program served as a practical guidebook, offering courses that developed analytical, strategic, and collaborative skills, particularly in the context of fashion and luxury management. But the journey didn’t stop at academics. Valeria also tapped into the power of real-world experiences, from engaging workshops to internships that offered a 360-degree view of business challenges.

Diving into Luxury Lifestyle: A Q&A Segment

How did you start creating content?

“I was a content creator born during the COVID-19 pandemic. I saw a big opportunity with TikTok and just went for it.”

But what truly set Parsons apart for her were the endless opportunities for networking and professional engagement. The school’s alumni network has been a game-changer, leading to collaborations in social media, PR events, and even participation in globally recognized fashion weeks.

How did you start creating content?

“Entering the luxury sector wasn’t just about elevating my own lifestyle. It was an intentional choice to curate experiences and narratives that resonate with the aspirations of my community. In doing so, I hope to inspire others to seek the best in life, not just in material wealth but in experiences and relationships.

For me, creating luxury content was not just a strategy but a manifestation of my end goals. I’m fixated on achieving a lifestyle that marries high-end real estate and luxury, and my content serves as a pathway to that dream. It’s not just about creating aesthetically pleasing videos or posts; it’s about building an enterprise, a brand, and a lifestyle around.”

The L’Odysée: A Parsons Graduate’s Vision Realized

Fast forward to 2023, and Valeria has not only earned her stripes as a Real Estate Agent specializing in luxury sales at Moira Advisory but has also co-founded L’Odysée with Dina Sarraj. This platform elevates both the travel and accommodation industry, blending curated stays while also serving as a specialized social media agency for real estate and travel brands. So, how did a Parsons graduate evolve into a multifaceted entrepreneur? Let’s explore the ‘Why, What, and How’ of L’Odysée.

The “Why, What, and How” of L’Odysée

“L’Odysée is a convergence of dreams, ambitions, and a deep-rooted passion for storytelling and travel. I always say, ‘Be in love with the process, and the rest will follow.’ So why did Dina and I come together to start L’Odysée? We want to transform travel and accommodation into not just a service but an unforgettable journey. We aim to set new industry standards, a goal we believe to be the ‘why’ at the center of our Golden Circle.

At the heart of L’Odysée is our unique multi-faceted platform, from exceptional stays, high end real estate, and brand storytelling. We specialize in curating exclusive stays in France’s finest properties, handpicked by our expert team. But we go beyond that for travel and real estate brands. Acting as their strategic partner, we create narratives that integrate into their marketing efforts. Choosing L’Odysée means unlocking an unparalleled experience and transforming social impressions into real-world reservations.

And how do we transform this vision into a tangible reality? It starts with an unwavering commitment to ethical practices, honesty, and transparency. But it goes beyond these foundational traits. At L’Odysée, we have a finely-tuned sense for aesthetics; we identify what works in the industry and strive to elevate it. Leveraging our extensive network that includes influencers and key stakeholders in the luxury sector we are right audience.positioned to connect travel and real estate brands with the right audience.”

Deep Dive into L’Odysée

What sets L’Odysée apart is not just its curated experiences for travelers but its nuanced understanding of branding in the travel and real estate sectors. Unlike traditional platforms, L’Odysée realizes the power of storytelling. They take the essence of a place, weave it into a compelling narrative, and offer it as a valuable asset for brands. This dynamic approach not only enriches the experience for travelers but also provides brands with organic content that can bolster their market position.

A Word from Dina Sarraj:

“I’ve always believed that teamwork makes the dream work. Valeria and I are not just colleagues but kindred spirits. In an industry as competitive as ours, finding someone who not only shares your vision but also complements your skillset is like finding a diamond in the rough. We’ve worked together for over a year, and I can honestly say we are stronger together. Our foreign roots in France have made us family in a place far from our original homes. Our friendship is the cherry on top of a very successful partnership. We both bring something unique to the table, and that’s what makes L’Odysée truly special.”

Turning Passions into Enterprise: A Roadmap to Building Exceptional Value

The Tools and Mindset You Need to Succeed

In today’s complex and fast-paced world, finding the roadmap to success is challenging but not impossible. This section Valeria aims to provide you with valuable insights and actionable steps that can aid in your journey, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned marketer, or looking for that competitive edge in your respective field.

Leverage Through Team Building

Assemble the Right Team: 

Identify and recruit individuals with complementary skills. Your team’s collective strengths can handle various business operations, allowing you to focus on strategy and high-level tasks.

Distribute Responsibilities Wisely: 

Delegate tasks in a way that each team member plays to their strengths. It boosts efficiency and job satisfaction.

The Power of Focus

The One-Goal Principle: 

Stick to one main goal at a time. It brings clarity and allows you to direct all your resources towards achieving that one significant milestone.

Avoid Multitasking:

Engaging in too many activities dilutes your focus and reduces the quality of your work. Specialize, don’t generalize.

Time and Data-Driven Content

Use Analytics:

The numbers don’t lie. Use data to guide your content creation and tailor it to what your audience actually wants.

Experiment and Refine:

Continually test different content forms and tones. Use the feedback to refine your strategy.

Scaling with Technology

Embrace Automation:

Implement tools and platforms that can automate repetitive tasks. This frees up time for strategic planning.

AI for Decision-Making:

Machine learning algorithms can provide valuable insights for making informed decisions, especially in the complex fields like real estate and luxury branding.

Audience Identification

Create Buyer Personas:

The more detailed your understanding of your target audience, the more personalized and effective your marketing strategies will be.

Speak Their Language:

Tailoring your message to resonate with your audience leads to better engagement and conversion rates.

The Health Triangle and Brain Space

Prioritize Sleep and Nutrition:

These are non-negotiables. Better sleep and nutrition lead to better decision-making and productivity.

The 80/20 Principle:

Focus on tasks that yield the highest results. Delegate or eliminate the rest to maintain optimal brain space for decision-making.

Environmental Factors

Optimize Your Space: 

Your surroundings can either support or hinder your goals. Make your space a sanctuary that encourages creativity and focus.

Find New Perspectives: 

Sometimes a change in environment or a short trip can offer you a new angle to tackle an old problem.

The Leap into Real Estate: A Brief Chat with Valeria Torres Rodriguez

What motivated you to enter the high-luxury real estate market, and how are you applying your past experience to this venture? 

Is about much more than property; it’s about lifestyle, culture, and the art of living well. My background in digital strategy and content creation for lifestyle brands has become invaluable. It has helped me understand consumer behavior, craft stories around a property, and use digital tools effectively.

What challenges have you faced in this new industry, and how have you tackled them?

Mastering the complexities of financing, law, and property management in a highly competitive market has been a steep learning curve. However, relentless networking and continuous education have been my main strategies to overcome these hurdles.

What’s next for you in the realm of real estate?

My future is tied closely to my work at L’Odysée. I aim to integrate my real estate ventures with L’Odysée to curate exceptional stays worldwide, offering transformative experiences in high-luxury properties.

Fueling Inspiration: A Look at the Influencers, Coaches, and Books That Inspire Valeria

As someone who’s always hungry for growth and new perspectives, I find inspiration from a myriad of avenues. In the realm of literature, the book “Selling Luxury” by Genevieve Tour and Robin Len has been instrumental in shaping my approach to the high-luxury  market. It emphasizes the importance of not just the transaction, but the experience and relationship you build with affluent clients.

When it comes to mindset and business acumen, coaches like TOOZER, Iman Ghadzi, and Rob Dial offer invaluable insights that have elevated my strategic thinking and leadership abilities.

In the world of content creation, I draw aesthetic and creative inspiration from talented individuals like @sabmoldenhauer, @dina_sarraj, @lucyy.jd, and @qmike. Their exceptional work helps me stay attuned to the latest trends and stylistic elements.

This interview and special moment with Valeria was concluded by the following statement: “As we set sail on this journey with L’Odysée, know that this is only the beginning. Dina and I are committed to revolutionizing luxury travel and real estate, and we’re just getting started. We’re fully charged to pour our energy into these endeavors and share our stories, learnings, and successes through social media.”

For mentoring on social media strategy, content creation, or collaborations in the luxury real estate sector and with L’Odysée

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