Parsons Paris

21/22 AMT Senior Thesis Topics

As the academic year progresses so have the senior AMT students in evolving thesis subjects and concepts. The THESIS 1 Class requires the students to first identify an area of study, research its major assumptions and  precedents,  and  then propose  a  project  within  this  area  of  practice. The Projects aim to go beyond concepst and ideas to then be made real in life. This can  take  many  forms,  from  fine  art,  to  soft/hardware  tools, interactive installations, performances, online experiences, games or social experiments.

So far the topics for the senior class can be divided into 3 groups, each with 3 different student topics within them. 

The first: Analysing Taste, Perception, and Value 

The areas of focus are Synesthesia and memories of home. The significance of food when discussing cultural identity and how can this relate to you personally. Second, the emotional and behavioral associations with color, a deep perspective on the color red. Lastly poetry and lyrics, can song lyrics are not treated with the same authority than literature? What exactly is the value that they hold. 

The Second: Feminism, Performance and Magic 

The areas of focus here are how social constructs and norms influence women’s wisdom, and the valuable use of holistic medicine. Second, what place do witches occupy in our society and should we trust their practices and lastly What are the personal relationships people have with land and the concept of home. How has moving to new and different places informed these relationships.

The Third: Combustion and Contraception

The areas of focus are fire, fire being a powerful destructive element killing all life, but yet is an element that can be used to give/ increase life and how as a consumer do we think about where simple products come from/are made, and how these products affect our planet’s environment. Are companies today doing a better job of being more transparent on this matter.

Lastly a new perspective on a contraceptive for the opposite sex and what that entails, how our society is so fixated on the female rather than the male, and the importance of the normalization of a male contraceptive. 

These are all in summary a quick peek into what the AMT seniors are working on developing and perfecting this year. We are all looking forward to seeing the production of this creative physical work to visualize the many diverse topics. 

Joelle Rodriguez AMT

AMT SENIOR – Joelle Rodriguez, Prototype 7 Industrial Fire & Combustion

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