A Message from the Co-Chairs of the President Search Committee of the Board of Trustees
To The New School community,
We extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to faculty, students, and staff as you begin the new academic year. As a follow-up to our June 7 message, we are writing to update you about the search for the next president of The New School. We have continued to make progress and are grateful to the members of the Search Committee for their dedication to this important work during the summer months.
The Search Committee has been actively reviewing nominations and applications that have resulted from our wide outreach and the strong position profile developed with your input. We have been actively engaging prospects throughout the summer and are enthusiastic about the candidates and conversations taking place.
The candidate pool reflects a wide range of backgrounds and deep experience, both in and outside of higher education. We have been extremely gratified by the high level of interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity to lead The New School. This speaks to the remarkable teaching, learning, and research here, to our growing reputation, financial and operational strength, and the particular relevance and need for our distinctive educational mission now and into the future.
Our process continues, and we look forward to providing regular updates.
On behalf of the Search Committee,
Joseph R. Gromek
Co-Chair, President Search Committee
Linda E. Rappaport
Co-Chair, President Search Committee