Global Studies Coffee Hour – February 2021

On February 24th, Global Studies students, faculty, and alum will have the opportunity to join our first Spring 2021 coffee hour with our guest and program alum Imani Altemus-Williams (’12)!
Raised in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, Imani received a BA in Global Studies from the New School University and completed a Master’s degree in Indigenous Journalism at the Sámi University of Applied Sciences in Guovdageaidnu, Norway. With genealogical ties to what is now known as Louisiana, she wrote her master’s thesis on the relationship between storytelling and resistance for Black & Native peoples protecting sacred lands in Louisiana. As a freelance writer and emerging documentary producer, Imani is passionate about collecting stories that illustrate the collective experiences of colonized peoples, by not only highlighting injustice, trauma and pain but also our inherent resilience, strength and beauty.
Imani currently works at Hoʻomaluhia, the Hawaiʻi-pacific branch of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma. She also serves on the board of directors of The Pōpolo Project; a Hawai‘i-based nonprofit organization that redefines what it means to be Black in Hawai‘i. She also recently joined the board of directors of Hawaiʻi Women in Filmmaking.
We look forward to connecting with you over a cup of coffee or tea!