Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

Cassirer and Rousseau: The Problem of a Universal Principle of Justice, by Guido Kreis

Article available through Philosophy Documentation Center, here.

Guido Kreis is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Aarhus University. He is the author of Negative Dialektik des Unendlichen: Kant, Hegel, Cantor (Suhrkamp, 2015), and Cassirer und die Formen des Geistes (Suhrkamp, 2010). His recent articles include “Die Dialektik in der Dialektik der Aufklärung: Die Spur Hegels,” in Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno: Dialektik der Aufklärung, ed. Gunnar Hindrichs (Klassiker Auslegen, 2017), “Kritik der avantgardistischen Vernunft: Kants Grundlegung des Kunstwerks und Adornos Kriterien der neuen Musik,” in Gesellschaft im Werk: Musikphilosophie nach Adorno, ed. Richard Klein (Karl Alber, 2015), and “The Varieties of Perception: Nonconceptual Content in Kant, Cassirer, and McDowell,” in The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment, ed. J. Tyler Friedman and Sebastian Luft (De Gruyter, 2015).

Guido Kreis, “Cassirer and Rousseau: The Problem of a Universal Principle of Justice,” trans. Philip Schauss, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38:2 (2017), pp. 267-87.

About GFPJ

The Journal, published semi-annually in association with the Department of Philosophy at The New School for Social Research, provides a forum in which contemporary authors engage with the history of philosophy and its traditions.

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