Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

Truth and Pleasure in the Philebus, by Eric Sanday

The Experience of Truth: Gadamer on the Belonging Together of Self, World, and Language, by David W. Johnson

Truth and Justice in Anselm of Canterbury, by Ubaldo R. PĂ©rez-Paoli

Truth, Knowledge, and Reality, by Cristina Lafont

Martin Heidegger’s “Logical Investigations.” From the Theory of Judgment to the Truth of Being, by Jean-François Courtine

Notion and Reality: Hegel’s Sublation of the Metaphysical Notion of Truth, by Michael Theunissen

Heidegger on Correspondence and Correctness, by Taylor Carman

Truth and Resistance, by Ted Toadvine

Truth and Exactitude, by Jean-Claude Milner

About GFPJ

The Journal, published semi-annually in association with the Department of Philosophy at The New School for Social Research, provides a forum in which contemporary authors engage with the history of philosophy and its traditions.

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