TCDS Alumnus Abu Bakarr Bah Edits New Book on “Post-Conflict Institutional Designs BUILDING PEACE AND DEMOCRACY IN AFRICA”
TCDS is proud to announce that Abu Bakarr Bah, Alumnus of our Democracy & Diversity Institute, and Professor of Sociology at Northern Illinois University recently published a new book on Post-Conflict Institutional Designs: Building Peace and Democracy in Africa.
Congratulations from TCDS!

More about his new book:
Since gaining independence from colonial rule, most African countries have been struggling to build democratic and peaceful states. While African multiparty politics may be viewed as democratic system of governance, in reality it is plagued by ethnic and regional political grievances that undermine meaningful democracy. Even though ethnicity and regionalism are not the only reasons for political violence, as often pointed out in the greed-grievance literature, they are key instruments for mobilization and organizing political violence in the service of elite interest.
By examining the post-conflict institutional reforms in several African countries, this book will not only shed light on the common causes of violent conflicts, but more importantly how institutional designs can affect the conditions for peace and democracy in Africa. As such, the book, focuses on conceptual and practical questions of designing ethnically and regionally inclusive state institutions and the way institutions are perceived by the citizenry. In particular, it addresses the issues of political autonomy and control over resources, which are often key sources of ethnic and regional grievances and demands for political autonomy. Moreover, it examined the symbolic and everyday meanings of institutional reforms and the overarching questions of institutional choices and ethnic and regional representation.