Transregional Center for Democratic Studies

ON HIATUS: 30th Democracy & Diversity Graduate Summer Institute

With the deepest regret, but for obvious reasons, we have had to place our annual summer Institute in Wroclaw on hiatus. On the other hand we have been developing a special semester-long program — Transregional Dialogues: Rethinking the Past -Reimagining our Future — built upon close collaborations between advanced graduate students from Ukraine and their international peers based both at the New School and in other countries. Watch our website for a detailed announcement in early summer. 

Climate Crisis and Questions of Justice

Wrocław, Poland

ON HIATUS: 30th Democracy & Diversity Graduate Summer Institute

Conducted for three decades in Krakow, Cape Town, Wroclaw and Johannesburg, for the 2022 Institute we hope to return in person to Wrocław. Conceptualized as a site for “civic-minded scholarship,” the Institute is a highly regarded laboratory of transregional research and education. Known for its rigorous and demanding academic program, it offers an intellectually and personally transformative experience, along with membership in an international collaborative community. 

This year’s Institute provides a forum for forward-looking debate on the unprecedented challenges that threaten our lives wherever we live today. 

The program of the 2022 Democracy & Diversity Institute, Climate Crisis and Questions of Justice, designed to explore the most critical issue of our time, has been curated by Professor Alex Aleinikoff (Director, Zolberg Institute on Mobility and Migration and University Professor) and Professor Alice Crary (Philosopher and University Distinguished Professor). The four graduate seminars we offer will be augmented by guests’ talks, evening conversations, and micro-events. 

All of our programming, including seminars, will take seriously and be responsive to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, grappling with its significance for climate, migration, and for questions of justice generally.

New School students register for a maximum of 2 courses and receive 6 graduate credits.

Courses Offered:

“Heal the people, heal the land”: revaluing nature as a route to social justice

Alice Crary, University Distinguished Professor, (Philosophy, Liberal Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies), The New School for Social Research

Romy Opperman, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, The New School for Social Research

(full course description is here)

Colonialism, Indigenous Resurgence, and the Politics of Environmental Justice

Jaskiran Dhillon, Associate Professor of Global Studies, The School of Public Engagement, The New School

(full course description is here)

Science, Policy and Environmental Justice of Drinking Water

Bhawani Venkataraman, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Chair and Departmental Faculty Advisor for Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School

(full course description is here)

Climate Mobilities

Alex Aleinikoff, University Professor and Director of the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, The New School

Achilles Kallergis, Assistant Professor and Director of the Project on Cities and Migration, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School

(full course description is here)

The Full Program Description and the Application Form will be available during the Spring 2022 semester.


The New School for Social Research
6 East 16th St., Rm 921, NY, NY 10003
212-229-5100 ext. 3136

Elzbieta Matynia, Director
212-229-5580 ext. 3137

Lala Pop, Program Manager,
PhD Student, Politics
212-229-5100 ext. 3136

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