New from TCDS Director, Elzbieta Matynia

‘Democracy’s Endgame? A plea for sustaining the infrastructure of hope,’ on Public Seminar
a text based on a talk given on the occasion of her receiving the 2023 Courage in Public Scholarship Award, established in 2014 by the The New School for Social Research/Europe Collective. The event took place on July 19, 2023, at the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, Poland.
“But instead of just contemplating in despair—that is, an Endgame that augurs the defeat of Enlightenment hopes—perhaps we could try to think of how we might achieve a different outcome.”
‘Speaking Hopefully for Democracy’s Future‘ on the Hunt the Devil blog.
“Hope prompts and sustains action through dark times. It gives meaning to life lived under the cloud of adversity.”