Transregional Center for Democratic Studies


31st Democracy & Diversity Graduate Summer Institute

July 4-19, 202

Wrocław, Poland


~All Applicants from The New School need to submit:

Completed application form ● CV ● Short application essay (approx. 500 words describing how the Institute would complement one’s academic work to date and enhance educational and professional goals for the future) ● New School academic transcript (unofficial) ● The email addresses of 2 faculty members that can provide brief recommendations

~All other Applicants need to submit:

Completed application form ● CV ● Short application essay in English (approx. 500 words describing how the Institute would complement one’s academic work to date and enhance educational and professional goals for the future) ● One letter of recommendation sent directly by the recommender to TCDS ● TOEFL or other evidence of substantial English language skills is required if coming from a non-English speaking country ● Applicants affiliated with an NGO or a civic organization should also include a brief description of the work conducted by their organization.


~Applicants from The New School: Please submit all application materials via this Google Application Form. (Applicants from Eugene Lang College, please submit all application materials via this Google Application Form and please contact the Lang Study Abroad Program 

~All other Applicants: Please submit application materials via this Google Application Form

For any questions about the Institute or the application process please email us at


The New School for Social Research
6 East 16th St., Rm 921, NY, NY
212-229-5100 ext. 3136

Elzbieta Matynia, Director
212-229-5580 ext. 3137

Lala Pop, Associate Director,
PhD Candidate, Politics
212-229-5100 ext. 3136

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